Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sept 28: update

I took the 730am train from Gijon to Cudillaro. I got to the trail late, starting at 9am. I ended up putting in 32km in what turned out to be a very rainy day.

I ended up taking 3 days in Gijon. I slept most of the time and walked around the city too. The first day was getting the bites issue under control. Then I started coming down with a cold which I am currently struggling with. Sleeping for that time I think has helped. The Spaniards literally party all note which makes sleeping during the day (and during siesta time) important. One couple got in around 4am. Their room was next to mine. I could tell he was drunk as his voice continue to rise and hers continue to get softer. It was a clear case of domestic abuse. He proceeded to throw stuff around the room from the sounds. I was pissed because I wanted to sleep and he wasn't going to pull his abuse around me. So I woke up the boss and got him to bang on the door. I made noise I was there too and the boss said to call him if their was more problems, loud enough so that the guy could hear. He was quiet like a church mouse after that :-)

I ended up getting up at 6am for the train anyway. There were people everywhere getting back from partying at 7am!

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