Sunday, September 15, 2013

Sept 15: My physical state from walking

I have been putting in on average 25km a day for the last three weeks. That is about 15+ miles a day. Yes, walking like this is a stress on my body.

My back: I occasionally cramp on my upper mid section from carrying the 20 pound backpack midway through the day. When I do, I usually take my walking poles and place them parallel to my shoulders(and above). Then I wedge my forearms around the poles thereby forcing my shoulder blades together. That usually works. I have seen photos of soldiers doing the same with their rifles while marching long distances.

At the end of the day, my lower back develops soreness and stiffness. But usually a good nights sleep takes care of it.

My feet: fortunately I have had no blister problems from my shoes except the one time I wore my sandals (not my primary shoes) for 25 miles and scared/grossed everyone out with a photo.

I have had some tendon foot issues (eg plantar fascia) that are manageable right now. Most of it was brought on by the crazy mountain hiking done the last 12 days. I am told that was the worse part of the Camino Norte. So I hope that the change in terrain will have a positive impact. 

The other foot challenge has been due to my bunion and flat foot issue on my right foot. The result is numbness around the bunion and big toe.  While I imagine not walking is the cure, that ain't an option at this time.

My legs: other than a cramp in my calf today, my legs have held up remarkably well. A lot of people get leg problems either ascending or descending in mountain climbs. Luckily so far, I have not been challenged with that.

The walking poles help immensely by transferring some stress onto my arms. Those have been a huge difference maker.

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