Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sept 22: the three hares

I tried to follow these three over a couple mountains today. The fair skin fellow, Rick, is a Brit. Great conversations with him. The blue hat fellow is from Uruguay and the other fellow is from Spain. Neither spoke English. But the three walked quickly to Gijon averaging 5 to 6 km an hour, compared to my tortoise pace of 4 kmh. So what did I do? I had to move it like a hare. The main reason for keeping up with them is Rick has an excellent guidebook in Spanish, translated from German. The stretch we covered has a bunch of conflicting waymarkers because it is where the Camino Primitive splits off from the Camino Norte, and there are waymarkers for another pilgrimage along the way confusing things further. Unfortunately I loss them while entering Gijon.

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