Saturday, September 21, 2013

Sept 21: Villavicioso (vicious village?)

I couldn't sleep last night in the abergue in La Isla because of the snoring and lack of ventilation. When i tried opening a window, some Brazilian cried about mosquitoes. So I moved myself to a short couch in a another room. I still couldn't sleep because of trying to get comfortable in a short space. So I got up at 430am and was out the door by 5am. I walked 22km on the highway over the mountain  to Villavicoso. There was the more scenic route that is on a trail and shorter. But I couldn't find the trail markers because it was so dark. I arrived in Villavicioso 5.5 hours later. Luckily it is a Saturday morning and not a lot of traffic to deal with. I have 31km to Gijon tomorrow, one of the larger cities on the Norte I never heard of.

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