Friday, September 20, 2013

Sept 20: the morning from hell

I left Nuevo at 550am. Because it is getting darker and darker everyday, it is more and more challenging to navigate in the mornings. Most of my navigating is dependent on seeing these painted yellow arrows which are randomly placed. My headlamp hardly suffices to find these arrows.

So I am walking down the road unable to really see. I do have a kindle guide book which describes directions in generalities. I ended up taking a wrong turn (see pic on second time around) and with the book convincing myself I was correct. Unwittingly, I managed to walk in a massive hour long circle. I almost got attacked and bitten by a pack of dogs. After walking an hour thinking I was actually going somewhere, I saw this tunnel again! It is the first time I have every walked in a circle. It is a surreal deflating dejavu experience.

I guess may need to start my walks later in the morning now.

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