Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sept 29: Luarca river

As you can see, a very picturesque town.

Sept 29: Luarca

I am 16km into the day. Sundays everything is shut down

Sept 29: Luarca

Sept 29:(1) house in need of attention

Off to the left it suggest a pretty decent view!

Sept 29:(2) the crappy house's view!

I took this photo from the same location as the photo of the house

Sept 29: slate roofs territory

Very beautiful slate roofs

Sept 28: i get loss (2km!)

The VERY poor way marking was really non existent. My bet is some kids took down the arrows.

On the other hand, I can't imagine a more beautiful place to get lost! This is the beach I found!!! The name: Silencio (silence) LA Playa (beach)...totally appropriate

Sept 28: welcomed site

This was my first 12km of the day.

Sept 29: Slate roof on funky barn

Sept 28: strange buildings

Evidently they are still building these things. This was brand new!

Sept 28: update

I took the 730am train from Gijon to Cudillaro. I got to the trail late, starting at 9am. I ended up putting in 32km in what turned out to be a very rainy day.

I ended up taking 3 days in Gijon. I slept most of the time and walked around the city too. The first day was getting the bites issue under control. Then I started coming down with a cold which I am currently struggling with. Sleeping for that time I think has helped. The Spaniards literally party all note which makes sleeping during the day (and during siesta time) important. One couple got in around 4am. Their room was next to mine. I could tell he was drunk as his voice continue to rise and hers continue to get softer. It was a clear case of domestic abuse. He proceeded to throw stuff around the room from the sounds. I was pissed because I wanted to sleep and he wasn't going to pull his abuse around me. So I woke up the boss and got him to bang on the door. I made noise I was there too and the boss said to call him if their was more problems, loud enough so that the guy could hear. He was quiet like a church mouse after that :-)

I ended up getting up at 6am for the train anyway. There were people everywhere getting back from partying at 7am!

Sept 28: Back on the Road!

Welcomed site!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Sept 26: (2) view for the pescadoras!

As seen from their location on the point off Gijon

Sept 26: (1)pescadoras plush home location!

Gijon has this point that juts out into the ocean from the middle of the city. An old Roman fort remnants are there. Plus there are these poor apartment complexes at the very end of the point with outstanding views! A local told me that the Spanish government has given this land to the fishermen as some kind of support.

Sept 26: Gijon with flags flying

Sept 26: view of one of two beaches in Gijon

Sept 26: update

Yesterday I ended up going to a discount Chino (Chinese owned) discount store and buying flip flops, white T-shirt, and swim trunks all for 10Euro.  I have been walking around town waiting for all of my things to get a thorough washing. 

I think what happened to me is that in the albergue in Avilia, I got eaten up by mosquitoes. There was no ventilation again in the place. I slept on top of my sleeping bag. I literally was covered in bites wherever my skin was exposed. My body had an allergic reaction to it. The fact I spoke to a guy from Brittany who was covered in bites the same night and place, lends confidence to that explanation.

After taking the antihistamine and topical cream, my swelling has receded. I will try to get back on the trail tomorrow, taking a train back to where I left off. Two days rest is good for me anyway. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Sept 25: bug bites

Sept 25: timeout for me

Dealing with a 'slight' bug issue. Went to the doc. She said 'fleas.' I said 'bed bugs?'. She said 'does it matter?' It could be mosquitoes too.

She gave me an antihistamine. Whatever bit me I am having an alergic reaction. I took a train back to Gijon to find a washer to disinfect my stuff just in case. 33 Euros to wash everything :-(  

Monday, September 23, 2013

Sept 23: steel mills all day along the Camino

Today's stretch has the reputation to be the least appealing

Sept 23: half way mark!!!

This suggest I have done over 800km or 500 miles! I will see if I can hang on for another.

Sept 23: Asturias famous structure

These structures are throughout the countryside. I heard they were uses in the past to store hay. Now the hay is rolled into big bales and wrapped in thick black plastic.

Sept 23: for me, cafe con leche happens at least a couple times a day

There are bars (liquor and espresso) EVERYWHERE! I think it keeps the Spanish economy going. 'Cafe con leche' (coffee with milk)is the most used term by foreigners, next to 'Olah'(hello) and 'Buen dia'(good day).

Sept 23: having a refresco with the two remaining hares

Sept 23: destination today

About 25 km. I started at 7am and the two remaining hares started at 8:30 am. The hares caught me 6km outside Aviles. I hung with them for 4km until they left me in the dust.

Sept 23: something i wouldnt see in the USA

Sept 23: chilling out during siesta hour

It was a hot day in Aviela today

Sept 23: Ric holds up a glass of Spanish drink

It is suppose to be like grappa (sweet grape based wine) but added herbs like apple and lemon.

Sept 23: lunch vegetarian

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sept 22: Camino Norte splits with Primitivo

Sept 22: three hares in action. Notice the blur

Sept 22: 730am start in Villivicioso with the 3 hares

Sept 22: Cider containers

This is cider country with apple trees everywhere.

Sept 22: the approach to Gijon

Sept 22: the three hares

I tried to follow these three over a couple mountains today. The fair skin fellow, Rick, is a Brit. Great conversations with him. The blue hat fellow is from Uruguay and the other fellow is from Spain. Neither spoke English. But the three walked quickly to Gijon averaging 5 to 6 km an hour, compared to my tortoise pace of 4 kmh. So what did I do? I had to move it like a hare. The main reason for keeping up with them is Rick has an excellent guidebook in Spanish, translated from German. The stretch we covered has a bunch of conflicting waymarkers because it is where the Camino Primitive splits off from the Camino Norte, and there are waymarkers for another pilgrimage along the way confusing things further. Unfortunately I loss them while entering Gijon.

Sept 22: Gijon

I made it Gijon today from Villivicioso about 30km.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Sept 21: Villavicioso (vicious village?)

I couldn't sleep last night in the abergue in La Isla because of the snoring and lack of ventilation. When i tried opening a window, some Brazilian cried about mosquitoes. So I moved myself to a short couch in a another room. I still couldn't sleep because of trying to get comfortable in a short space. So I got up at 430am and was out the door by 5am. I walked 22km on the highway over the mountain  to Villavicoso. There was the more scenic route that is on a trail and shorter. But I couldn't find the trail markers because it was so dark. I arrived in Villavicioso 5.5 hours later. Luckily it is a Saturday morning and not a lot of traffic to deal with. I have 31km to Gijon tomorrow, one of the larger cities on the Norte I never heard of.