Saturday, August 17, 2013

Accomodations Last Night

I stayed in a convent in Hollywel. It is good prep for the Camino as I understand I will be doing a lot of the same there. It is half the price of a cheap hotel and they feed me breakfast. The nuns are very nice and none seem to be English: India, Mexico, Phillipenes.  The rooms are a little dirty with some hairs and such. But all in all good value.

I overdid it on my walk from Queensferry hiking around 18 miles with an overweighted pack (eg pack of oats etc). It took me 9 hours. Plus the new trail is not marked well in some places. So I took some paths that didn't go anywhere which accounted for about a mile or two. The weather has been overcast, ideal for hiking. Lunch has been cheese and crackers. Oats for breakfast although the nuns might come up with some eggs this morning. I have done fish and chips twice for dinner. I think I got that out of my system now. They are deep fried and heavy. I don't feel very well afterward. There are superstores here like Tesco. I have relied on them for shopping.

I plan to head to a town that starts with a P today. It is 20 plus miles by trail. The trail zig zags along the coast. While very scenic it is not terribly efficient for getting places.
Plus every little while there are these steel guards that I have to go thru that require taking off backpack.

More to come!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful sign. makes me homesick for Europe in general.
