Sunday, August 25, 2013

Update Aug 25

I did the 25 miles to Pampalona just to see if I could do it. I was exhausted and could barely walk afterward. My quads have been getting a huge workout going up and down through the terrain.  It is definitely an area I had not prepared. 

The area I covered has been absolutely beautiful. Rolling hills, pastures, trees and the occasional small community. Tranquility is a word that comes to mind. The people are incredibly nice.

When I approached Pampalona in the evening, I was greeted by a quiet fanfare I could not have imagined. I was alone as most pelegrinos find a sleeping spot around 1pm or so. Mostly the older folks greeted me on my approach. One old guy gave me a sturdy thumbs up. I looked at him not really understanding initially. I had several older women volunteerly come up to offer direction or try talking encouragingly. I have to say I found the reception unexpected and  emotional for me. Entering the city center, one older fellow volunteered to walk me through the city to find a place that was better than the community hostal yet cheap. The old fellow walked half way through Pampalona until I found a place I found satisfactory. I think the fact he was a missionary for 25 years, that he felt some affinity to help a pilgrim. Also maybe it was a simple act of compassion as it was evident I was exhausted and loss, trying to find a sleeping spot late Sunday when most places were closed in Pampalona.

1 comment:

  1. This photo looks more like what I expected-a trail.

    Interesting the emotion brought up by the unexpected kindness of a stranger. The unuverse is there to support us but we dont hold itvthat way. I am guessing that this is a deep experience in trust.
