Thursday, August 29, 2013

Nisa poses a question

'What's changed the most do you think? Have you noticed a mental shift?'

Good question!  I was commenting today how shocked I am with how beautiful the area is we are going through. I think we are hitting a weather sweet spot for one.

I am not sure to what extent there has been a material change in my life. I have thoroughly enjoyed the Camino Pelegrinos. We all share a common fraternity despite where we are from. We help each other out if in need. For example during the last push to Torres de Rio today some Spaniards helped us out with some water. I am also impressed how we have been accepted by the locals, as if held in honor for what we are doing. It seems we are accepted as doing meaningful work and as part of the community. When I pressed an owner of a hostal that we are tourist, he strongly disagreed. He saw the pelegrinos as doing meaningful transformative life work, much like the movie 'The Way' portrays.

One of the challenges I have had is trying to pace myself slower as I try to keep up with the friends I have made. So it is a growth edge to be honest with myself when I need to go slower. But it is so much fun when we push ourselves to new boundaries. It is a really difficult balance for me to work to find.

I will periodically try to revisit this question as my experience unfolds on the Camino.

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