Saturday, August 24, 2013

Sleeping Arrangements

There was 6 to a room with bunk beds. There was a total of 30 and I needed reservations. There was six men in the room. There was a whole lot of snoring going on, none of it harmonic. There were other sounds like some farting and someone talking in their sleep. I turned the light on by mistake when I went to the bathroom. There was no ventilation in the room because no one did anything about it. So the room was really  warm with the smell of musty (wet) bodies. Me wearing earplugs was totally ineffective. The biggest challenge for me has been around my huge need around privacy. There is none. I ended up putting  myself out with an ambien sleeping pill. 

The big upside to the experience is a great way to meet people and get to know them quickly. I must say that has been an absolutely wonderful experience. The people I have met have been absolutely special. We all share not only the common experience of the trail, but similar values that caused us to embark on the Camino to begin. So for that, the experience has been extremely rich!

So doing the Abergue hostal thing is definitely a growth edge for me

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