Saturday, August 24, 2013

Update Aug 23 and 24

Departure 8am from SJPP Aug 23rd.  The elevation gain over the Pyrannes is 4500 ft. The first day I did the wise move and hiked 10km and about 2000ft elevation gain, instead of over doing it to Rousivalle (sp?)where is the entire 4500 ft and 27 km. It is more less a constant gain.

I have met a number of Canadians on the trail. It is probably been the most represented countries.

The weather has been like walking in soup, walking in a white out.  Everything has been getting soaked wet. The only view I saw of the Pyrannes was 7am this morning Aug 24 before the fog rolled in. It is definitely a scene out of the Sound of Music without the people and singing. There are lots of sheep and some cows-horses. Given all the moisture everything is green.

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