Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Countdown to Europe: Aug 9th

Given the midge issue with the Scottish Highlands right now, I am substituting the Wales Coastal Path. The path was newly completed last summer. It encompasses the entire Wales coast line of 850 miles. Lonely Planet ranks it in the top 10 long distance world treks. So I am going to give it a go and see what happens. I may either still do the Camino after doing the WCP for a couple weeks or just keep trekking the WCP.

I am up to 10miles a day, 6 days a week. Of course the rest of the day I am exhausted. I plan to catch a 4am Greyhound out of Redding for San Francisco this Friday. Lots of unknown adventures ahead!  One thing is evident to me, change to plans is a constant.

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