Saturday, February 8, 2014

Feb 8: Negotiating with the Choletas

I got burned once again at the market.  One vendor I asked for 4 hard mangoes for $1. So she gave me 4 but 2 of the mangoes were rotten. Then she tried to keep the change.

Another vendor tried to charge me $1.50 for one fruit. I said I would do only $1.00. She said "okay. "  She put the fruit in the bag and threw another smaller rotten one in and told me $2. I said "no." So she took out of the bag the first fruit I wanted, larger and not rotten,  putting it back on the shelf.  I said "not so fast! " and she replaced the rotten one  for the original one I negotiated for.

Tomorrow I am going back to the market with my own choleta (the hostal's keeper) to fight fire with fire! Hopefully I will learn some good pointers.

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