Thursday, February 20, 2014

Feb 20: Ecuador Experience II

A big part of the Ecuadoran experience is how kind the people are. Louis and Dolores,  the owners of the hostal,  have been extremely kind. The last couple of days when I was glued to the toilet,  Louis would bring me herbal tea and medicine.  When I would go to the doctor,  he would make the appointment and then go with me as support. He took me shopping a few times. It is just a real warm trait I have found in the Latin culture.

Another interesting quality I came across was from a conversation I had with a German who has been here since 1981. Originally he was in computer science here. He tried to get computer science going in Ecuador. He said that the problem was Ecuadorans 'think with their heart' which doesn't translate well in computer science.  So after years of butting heads with the Latins, he gave up  and opened an ice cream shop here. It's simple. He makes the ice cream.

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