Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Feb 20: update

After spending much of the last 24 hours glued to the toilet, I am actually able to keep water inside me instead of going straight through. It is one of the downsides of traveling in a third world country.

My plan is to go to the Galapagos this coming Monday on a flight from Guayaquil. In order to catch a flight back to the mainland a week later,  I have to take a 30minute boat ride to another island. Unfortunately it is in a open cockpit skiff and the seas can get choppy.
I am trying to do the Galapagos as cheaply as I can as opposed to not doing it at all. Unfortunately the Galapagos is very expensive even when not considering the whole tourist business. Most tourists who come to the Galapagos do the 5-9 day cruise which can be from $1 to $10k per person! The only advantage I can see to the cruise is you cover the outer islands. The downside: $$$; stuck on a boat for a week(did that in the Coast Guard);  doing the predetermined schedule;  and basically having a 'tourist' experience. My goal will be to try to get a taste of the Galapagos without getting skewered for it.

After the Galapagos,  it is on to Buenos Aires and then Patagonia!

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