Thursday, December 19, 2013

Dec 19: update

I got on the bus in Guayaquil at 10am yesterday. It was a four hour trip to Cuenca. The roads were switch back which made me sick to my stomach.  Basically it was a climb from sea level up the Andes to high elevation.

Cuenca is absolutely beautiful.  I can see why so many ex-pats live here. It is clean and not much poverty. The city of 330,000 is the oldest in Ecuador. The architecture is old colonial style. The children play on the streets and parks. The city is considered one of the safest cities in Ecuador.  Plus the prices are great. I had a four course lunch for $2.50 yesterday. Hominy, banana soup, rice/fish plate, guava juice, and jello desert. It met the authenticity quotient as the place was packed with Ecuadorans. The place I am staying is $9 a night and quiet. Paul, who I met on the bus, said the city is a favorite to him. He has been living through out northern South America for a couple years working on a graduate thesis.

My plan is to research some schools here for language.

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