Monday, December 30, 2013

Dec 30: update

I got no sleep last night.  No sleep for me makes a truly ugly gringo. #1 I was moved into a 2ft by 2ft covey hole to make room for more guests. Of course the new room is built to maximize noise exposure.  #2 the bakery next door has been burning its trash the last two nights. A group of Germans  staying at the hostal were up all night yammering. I finally got up at 330am to see what the f! was going on. There I saw the Germans fanning with towels inside their room, complaining that the smoke had plastic particulate and was creeping in through the door. One German was on top of my ceiling trying to spy on the bakery next door.

Basically I didn't sleep all night.  The fact the locals started lighting off giant bottle rockets at 5am didn't help. Apparently it is a way for them to celebrate a church holiday.  It was reminiscent of my first morning in Managua Nicaragua when I thought I was caught in a crossfire. 

I just become a complete gringo when I don't sleep.  So I am trying to isolate myself in my tiny box today, canceling my Spanish class today. Usually when I am in this state is best I am not out in public.

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