Monday, December 23, 2013

Dec 23: update

I find myself periodically having to catch my breath just laying around here in Cuenca. I am sure it is because of the fact the elevation is 8,400 ft in Cuenca. It is weird for me to be somewhere that is so high yet has no snow! I know in Denver CO the baseball travels far at 5200ft. So I imagine the soccer ball must travel on steroids here.

Today was my first day of spanish school.  I was good for the first couple hours. Then I fizzled the last couple hours. We talked about the town of Villabomba which is 3 hours south of here and was famous back in the '60s for people living until 140 years old. But McDonalds moved in and changed that. Then I asked about the shelitas, the women who wear colorful dress and hats. I thought they might be a different religion. But I was told only those tribes in the Amazon part of Ecuador do that. For the shelitas,  it is just cultural.

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