Monday, December 16, 2013

Dec 16: update

I saw what appeared to be a beaver swimming across the local river here. But then it hopped out of the river onto a rock and it became obvious that it was an iguana. Later I was talking to someone about going to see the Galapagos. They said there were lots of iguanas, sea lions,  turtles and booby birds to see there. The only critter out of the above I have not seen in my life is the booby bird. Plus some guy here showed me all his photos from his Galapagos trip. I felt like I saw all I needed to see as if I had now done the trip.  I am questioning whether I will try to go there given the costs. Plus i hate organized tours. This is exactly why I don't make a good tourist.

I started a week long Spanish course. The focus today was solely conversing. No grammar.

I finally ended up getting Montezuma's Revenge despite my carefulness around water.

As I was walking back from class this evening,  I saw an explosion on the power pole that held the radial power line to my hostal.  So tonight I have no power to my room. Luckily I have a backup battery for my cell phone Keith gave me. I can use the cell phone as s flashlight around the room and type this update.

I wrote a nasty letter to LAN (and cc'd the U S Consulate) saying that it was bs that it had been now a week without word of my backpack.  I said it was shitty way to run a business.

I saw Tommy today. He said that after being told to come to the  airport to collect his bag on Saturday that it turned out LAN had no bag to give him. LAN walked him into a luggage room at the airport and offered him a random luggage which wasn't his. Enough said.

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