Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Mar 4: Diving Kicker Rock #2

It was a totally different experience diving the second day. I saw seals attacking the giant school of salema (eg anchovies) fot food. The seal lions are fast in the water. They would swoop down through the school trying to catch as many fish in their mouth as they can.

I also saw a bunch of sharks: Galapagos Shark and Black Tip Shark. We mostly swam below them. Some were 7 feet plus long. One was trailing us, darting in and out to see what was up. Then a bunch of them started circling us (me and the dive master). It was a little unnerving.  I just remembered that it is important to behave in a very deliberate and non frantic manner as the shark is attracted to animals in distress. They are scavengers like dogs.

We also saw large Diamond Stingrays. A school of them swam over the top of us. They were big and I thought they were Manta Rays.

On my first dive I ran out of air even after I communicated I was running low. We had to do the obligatory 3minute safety stop too. So the dive master was standing by with his secondary respirator in case I ran out. We were doing 30 minute dives down to 60 feet. The current was very strong in some places. Plus we swam through some serious thermal climes: warm v cold water. All in all, it was a fun adventure.

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