Sunday, March 30, 2014

Mar 31: update

The weather now sucks in Bariloche.  Rain, cold and wind. It is time to head north to the warmer temperature.  I will be in Cordoba for three days, three days in Iguazu Falls and then Salta. In Salta I have some friends to stay with.  Plus it is cheaper to live in the north.  I may try to go into Bolivia later. I leave Monday.


  1. Matteo, your email has been hacked. Your gmail account is telling people that you are stuck in Manila and need $2,500. You may want to log in and change your password etc. Or we can go ahead and send you some money!

    Safe travels muchacho!
    Paul Sari

  2. Matt, I got the same e-mail! as the previous commenter. -Hick
