Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Oct 8: i take a shortcut to save 5km

The trade off for the shortcut (suggested in the guide book) is that there is zero water or food for 22km. Basically it is Eucalyptus groves, occasional village (a couple houses guarded by vicious dogs) and a research poultry farm. The upside besides saving 5km is that I get to extend the peace and tranquility of the Camino Norte a good 18 km, leaving only 24 km of the peregrino madness to Santiago.  I believe all the various Camino's join the Camino Frances at some point, before the Camino Frances dumps into Santiago.

So I left at 615am from Sobrado using a flash light to see. I arrived within Santiago's city limits by 730pm. I walked about 54km today, 5km I shaved off on the shortcut and there is still 2km to the Cathedral. I would say I am pretty exhausted. The nice thing about hitting the Camino Frances so late in the day is that most of those walking had called it a day by then.

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