Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Oct 1: thoughts

One realization I have made is that me operating in another culture has resulted in me having my ass handed to me. In other words, there are so many different levels of reality (eg cultural reality, language reality etc) that assuming American assumptions has gotten me burned. Taking refuge in the bed bug hotel is a case in point. I looked up the place on Trip Advisor just now and there are some bad reviews (eg bed bugs). Google 'Ribadeo Spain Trip Advisor Pension Costa Verde'. Some guy wrote a scathing review about bedbugs 6weeks ago concerning the exact same room as I slept in! The coincidence is significant.

So the owner returns my clothes to me and they are still wet! How many ways can I ask for high temperature?!?! So I find a professional laundry with a dryer. I take all of my things and ask for one hour of high heat 'to kill the chinche eggs'. The guy understood because he initially blanched. He said there are synthetics. I said I didn't care, that the eggs must die. I come back an hour later and some of my clothes are still wet!

Basically if I see another friggen chinche I am throwing EVERYTHING away. The upside to this story is I don't believe I was the one who brought the critter to the room which makes it less likely the chinche has established itself in my stuff.

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