Monday, May 26, 2014

May 26: The House of Shells (the symbol of Santiago de Compestelo)

I did a little sightseeing today in Salamanca. My foot blister has seemed to heal up pretty well. So I will get back on the road tomorrow. An hour bus ride back to where I left off. If I had to take a few days off, I am glad I did it in Salamanca and not Timbuktu. I had the good fortune of eating Mexican food! Mexican food is such an oddity here. I did find a couple Chinese places. Except for a few Italian joints, it is pretty much Spanish food here in Salamanca.

I had fun Saturday night watching Real Madrid play Athletic Madrid for the Euro Championship. Salamanca was nuts all day and night long. People singing, drunk. I wore my Barcelona jersey which was repeatedly met with disdain. Given the negative energy it seems to generate in people, I am replacing the shirt for a plain green shirt.

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