Friday, May 30, 2014

May 30: tapas with ham

May 30: tapas

May 30: Spanish food meat

May 30: Spanish Food meat

May 30: Definitely has pork in it

May 30: Spanish Food

No idea what it is. Probably has pork in it

May 30: Taste of America!

Things like Campbell Tomato soup are here. I asked if they spoke English. They said no. I said you need to have me work here. You can't advertise like this without someone inside speaking American!

May 30: Someone missing a leg?

May 30: Spanish Culture

This is a normal scene outside a Spanish business. This dry cleaning business has hours from 10am to 1:45pm and from 5:00pm to 8:15pm. The employee working here didn't bother to show up until 10:20am. The young lady looked to be clothes shopping with her boutique bag she was carrying. The three of us were waiting outside. Plus a delivery truck person ended up getting the woman in black to sign for a package for the cleaning business.

Last week I waited outside a business that rents computer time, for an hour past opening time with three other people. This is after I had asked the same person earlier what time his business opened in the afternoon. He pointed to the hours posted on the door!

I find this "cultural" nuance ironic in a country where 50% of working age people don't work.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

May 27: Inside the albergue

May 27: at mass surrounded by wooden pilgrims

The priest said some radical things like 'we are all equal before God' and that 'all of our lives is a pilgrimage, looking for something. That includes the Church, on its own pilgrimage of self discovery."

After the staff made a homemade dinner put together from everyones contribution. It is the best meal yet in Spain!

I must say having the entire experience today at the albergue at the albergue makes the Camino well worth it.

May 27: my own bunk in 'America's' room

May 27: Exclusive 'American' lodging!

May 27: the best albergue on the Camino Plata!

May 27: pilgrim statue up close

May 27: Pilgrim statue

May 27: snow on the mountain from all the rains I endured last week

May 27: Bye to Bejar

May 27: Return to Bejar for the Camino

Monday, May 26, 2014

May 26: high ceilings!

May 26: Gothic Baroque design

May 26: another tomb

May 26: a tomb of someone

May 26: Our Lady of Silence

May 26: pipe organ in New Cathedral

May 26: bishop

May 26: Inside Cathedral

May 26: old cathedral with LOTS of crips

May 26: a step WELL worn through time in the church

May 26: old cathedral

May 26: old Cathedral to the left, new cathedral straight ahead

May 26: door to "new" Cathedral

"New" Cathedral was built in 1600s as opposed to the "old" Cathedral (conjoined to the "new") which was built in 1200s. That is, right after the Moors were beat back in the area. Evidently Salamanca was located in the middle of a major battle ground and left the city a ghost town.

May 26: New Cathedral of Santiago

May 26: Favorite shell of all! The way to Santiago

May 26: The shell part of the coat of arms in cathedral

May 26: House of Shells

May 26: The House of Shells (the symbol of Santiago de Compestelo)

I did a little sightseeing today in Salamanca. My foot blister has seemed to heal up pretty well. So I will get back on the road tomorrow. An hour bus ride back to where I left off. If I had to take a few days off, I am glad I did it in Salamanca and not Timbuktu. I had the good fortune of eating Mexican food! Mexican food is such an oddity here. I did find a couple Chinese places. Except for a few Italian joints, it is pretty much Spanish food here in Salamanca.

I had fun Saturday night watching Real Madrid play Athletic Madrid for the Euro Championship. Salamanca was nuts all day and night long. People singing, drunk. I wore my Barcelona jersey which was repeatedly met with disdain. Given the negative energy it seems to generate in people, I am replacing the shirt for a plain green shirt.

Friday, May 23, 2014

May 23: Salamanca

This city is a major city in Castille-Leon. It is an hour or so from Madrid. During the Spanish Civil War, Franco named this place the capital for awhile. It is a small wonder that when I wear my Barcelona football shirt, I get a rather cool reception from the people along the Camino. Barcelona represents the 'other side.'

May 23: took the bus to Salamanca, an hour away from Bejar

May 23: Roman (Replica) Road sign saying something about Cesar

May 23: Via de Plata headstone

The Camino Via de Plata has a number of types of waymarkings. This is one. Another is for the Roman Road which the Via de Plata is suppose to follow. A third is the Official waymarkings of the Camino. The fourth are the inauspicious Yellow Arrow (or Fleches). These are the most reliable. I have had bad experiences with the others.