Thursday, October 24, 2013

Oct 24: 32--looking down from top

Oct 24::31--the star at the top of it all!

Oct 24:30--looking back twd Barcelona

Oct 24: 29--top of St. Jeroni

Oct 24: 28 --sheer drop off near the top

Oct 24: 28--fall colors

Oct 24:27--more funky rock

If you look closely you can see rock climbers on the side. On top flys the Catalon flag

Oct 24:26--funky rock

Oct 24:25--trail among rock

Oct 24: 25--looking down on monastery

Walking up to the peak of St John and St Joani took about 4 hours

Oct 24: 24--looking twd Barcelona

Oct 24:23--looking down on hermitage

Oct 24:22--take time to read the English description on the hermitage

Oct 24: 21--hermitage used by elder monks from monastery.

On a clear day you can see the Mallorca Islands!

Oct 24: 20--hermitage

Oct 24: 19--Yellow Arrow!

No idea what that was doing up there

Oct 24: 18--St John peak

Notice the hermitage built into the rock

Oct 24: 17--Barcelona in the distance

Oct 24: 17--st. Francis of Asisi

A radical of his time

Oct 24: 16--meaningful carving along the way

We are all interconnected

Oct 24: 15-- monastery

Oct 24: good pic of monastery

Oct 24: 14--or take a funky train up further which I didn't

Oct 24: 13--another 1500 ft to climb from monastery

Oct 24:12--looking down

Oct 24:11--looking back down

Oct 24:10--monastery layout

Oct 24:9--pic of pic of monastery

Oct 24:8--approach to monastery

Oct 24: 7--up close with tram