Thursday, April 3, 2014

Apr 3: Iguazu Falls update

Seeing Iguazu Falls was In-Fucking-Credble!

I want to call it the best part of my South America trip. But ranking experiences detracts and does a diservice to the other truly unique beautiful places I have seen.

This morning when I arrived at the National Park, I paid my $170 pesos to get in. It felt like paying an entrance fee to an amusement park eg Disney World.  In fact, it is in a way an amusement park. There is a key difference though. Whereas Disney World is basically about a bunch of fake things built up to be "wouldn't it be wonderful if life was that great?!", Iguazu Falls IS that place of greatness that Disney World strives to pretend about. It is the real deal and it's fucking awesome!

I spent my camera battery down to nothing taking photos. Of course photos are not much better than the aspiring to greatness of Disney World v. experiencing life first hand.  But it is something.

I had a truly surreal experience there. As I was telling someone about my seeing the glacier Perito Moreno in southern Argentina,  I realized I was in fact seeing the same thing but up north here in the jungle. Both places are giant walls of water, Perito Moreno a 5km glacial face v. Iguazu Falls which is a 2.5km wall of falls. Both places are blessed by nature to have land access perfectly laid out to observe these walls of water as if like the staging area for stands. Both areas are , I dare say, expertly captured by an elaborate metal walkway built a few feet above the earth.

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