Saturday, April 12, 2014

Apr 12: bus to Cachi update

I took a 4.5 hour bus ride to Cachi,  a small indigenous town in the Andes. The road was made of dirt and single lane through the ascent into the mountains. The ride was $8 v. the $200 for a tour. Plus I had the benefit of being the only Gringo. The mountain tops here are dusted with snow at 18,000 ft. They are called the Nevadas de Cachi. The night sky is clear.

I was befriended by two Argentines who drove me to their friends out of town to look for UFOs. According to them, the UFOs visit here regularly.

Tomorrow I plan to take the bus down south of Cachi on this dirt road. Then hop a ride to another town south of there,  on my way toward Cafayate.  It is all high Andes terrain.

When the Wifi improves, I will hopefully successfully upload some photos.

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