Sunday, November 24, 2013

Nov 23: Freediving class

San Clemente with Jeremy Caulkin (teacher) and Blaze. Classroom and pool work. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Nov20: update

I am planning on heading out to Ecuador and Argentina for five months. I leave Dec 10 and return May 7. I plan to explore Ecuador initially.  I will probably enroll myself into a Spanish immersion program there and do some volunteering as well. I plan to bus it from Ecuador to Argentina as that appears to be the primary form of transport in S.A.  When I get to Argentina I plan to do a lot of hiking in Patagonia. 

In the interim I am in downtown LA staying with my brother.  I plan to do a wknd workshop on freediving in San Clemente this Saturday. Then I will head north from there to see my mom and Keith. 

Nov 20: hiking the hills of LA

My brother and I did a fun hike above Reseda. 

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Nov 7: update

Nov 5 I took the Scot Rail ftom St Andrews to Edinburgh.  Then yesterday I got up at 3am to catch a flight from Edinburgh to Paris.  Then I caught a flight that went back over Scotland and landed in Iceland.  Then I flew 8 hours to Seattle.  I was up 28 hours straight before settling down in a fleebag Econolodge at Seatac. I wish I had done more research on the hotel because the reviews were either the schill 5star reviews and the more accurate  1s. Luckily I got no bug bites. I put my luggage in the tub away from potential bugs.

Today I get on Southwest down to LAX to see my brother Rob and watch the Duck Stnfd game. On Friday Rob and I are headed by car to TX for a road trip and to see my Dad and Clovis. 

Nov 7: US Customs

Yesterday I went through US Customs in Seattle.  They brought the 'dog' out to sniff people's luggage. Basically it was a beagle.  I asked the agent if they were looking for pot. She said no but any agricultural products.  I don't think she was being very truthful with me though. When my backpack showed up at the carousel,  I shoved it under the dogs nose. He put his nose right up against it to give it a real good once over. Then walked away. Little did I know until today that I had a rotting banana in a side pocket of the backpack! I wonder if that is considered 'agricultural' . Either the dog had never smelled rotted produce before or he was looking for pot.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Nov 1: a typical cheery day in the UK

Today I am taking the train from London to St. ANDREWS Scotland to visit family.